Leadership Personalities
I want to discover the personalities that make leaders great. I was asked, "What kind of leader do you want to be"? I have some personality characteristics that I feel useful in becoming a leader for the future. I believe, leaders show empathy towards their peers and the people around them. Leaders should demonstrate knowledge in their field with the highest quality. They must be able to make hard decisions, and handle stress well.
Leaders are the ones who make the right choices, and inspire other through leading by example. They are someone who you can trust to make the right decision for the greater good. I believe these are some of the exact characteristics portrayed through the eyes of my peers.
You can take the test below to understand what kind of leadership style you have. I like to include the opinions of others, and make logical calculated decisions.
This is a simple test to see what kind of style you will posses in your future. Understanding that personality shapes the decisions you make can either lead you down the right path of inspiring someone to excel, or cause you to tear down someones building blocks. Chose wisely because everyone is gifted in their own way, so get to know them and motivate accordingly.
Explore, play, and enjoy the day.
This has been a Soaring solution.
Author: mavic.flow
Quiz: What's Your Leadership Style? (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2018, from https://www.leadershipiq.com/blogs/leadershipiq/36533569-quiz-whats-your-leadership-style
Leadership in Society. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2018, from http://ccol.algonquincollege.com/fit2213/lesson-6/lesson-content/
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