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Source: This is where the information starts, so the communication process must be clearly demonstrated. this is where all critical communication begins. Having a reliable source at the beginning of the conversation allows many points to get across concisely. The message is then passed down the chain to be encoded.
Encoded: This is where the information you want to send becomes understood prior to reaching the receiver. Clarity, formalities, and every detail relies on this part of the process being correct from the beginning. The message is sent down the chain to the channel.
Channel: How your message is delivered: verbal/non-verbal communication, social media (blogs,vlogs, platforms), written documents, and televised (radio, TV,). The message is then transferred to the decoding phase.
Decoding: the listening skills f the decoder is crucial. The message is decoded prior to the receiver seeing it. Interpretation of this message is important, and the overall quality of the message depends of this stage. The message is finally sent to the receiver.
Receiver: This is where the message is understand from the original sender. At this point the message is heard and then prepared for the feedback sent to the sender.
Feedback: This is what the receiver sends back to the sender and this results in the conversation being repeated step by step.
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